February 5, 2023, Comment off
Call for news articles
The Institute of Chin Affairs (ICA) invites submissions of news articles for publication on its website and Facebook page. The articles should focus on one or more of the following topics related to the Chin people or the broader situation in Myanmar:
- Politics
- Administration
- Military
- Economy
- Social
- Health
- Education
- Humanitarian issues
- Civil War or Ongoing Spring revolution
Manuscripts for news articles can be submitted in either English or Burmese, with a minimum length of one or two paragraphs and a maximum length of five pages written on A-4 paper. If the article is longer than five pages, please contact the ICA.
Submissions can be made through the ICA Facebook Messenger (https://www.facebook.com/chinaaffairs) or via email (info@chinaaffairs.org).
Accepted authors will be awarded an honorarium, the amount of which will depend on the length and quality of the article.
By submitting your work, you confirm that you are the author and grant the ICA the right to publish it on its website and Facebook page. The author is responsible for ensuring that all images used in the article do not infringe on international copyright laws.
The ICA editorial team will review all submitted articles and may make edits for clarity or length.