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December 10, 2023, Comment off

Key Research Finding Sharing: ‘Peace and Prospects of Federalism of the Chin Community in Myanmar’


You are cordially invited to join the key findings sharing session on our report, the ‘Peace and Prospects of Federalism of the Chin Community in Myanmar’ study. This is a collaborative study between McMaster University and the Institute of Chin Affairs Inc. (ICA) from 2022 to 2023, involving interviews with Chin leaders from political, social, and community backgrounds, as well as relevant stakeholders in December 2022. Their invaluable contributions greatly informed our study.

We believe that the collective voice of the Chin leaders captured in this report will be instrumental in shaping the future establishment of a federal union in Myanmar. Therefore, we wish to share the key findings of our report with you, as outlined in the following agenda:

Date and Time:
For participants from the US and Canada

15th December 2023 (Friday)

10:30 PM – 11:30 PM (Eastern Time)

For participants from India, Myanmar and Thailand

16th December 2023 (Saturday)

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM (India)

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (Myanmar)

10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (Thailand)


Chin and Burmese

Please register through below link to attend. We will email you a zoom meeting link for the meeting.