June 19, 2024, Comment off

National passing rate decreases while Chin State’s passing rate increases in SAC’s 2024 matriculation results

Salai Kur Bung Bel

The results for the 2024 matriculation exam (grade-12), held for the first time under the Military Council in the new education system, was announced early on the morning of June 11th.

In April and May, a total of 128,820 students nationwide took the matriculation exam as part of a special program, with 74,592 students successfully passing. According to the Myanmar Examinations Department under the Military Council, the passing percentage of this year’s matriculation exam is 57.90%.

In 2023, nationwide, 161,850 students sat for the matriculation exam, out of which 109,851 students passed, resulting in a passing percentage of 67.87%.Compared to last year, this year’s matriculation exam has seen a decrease in the number of  participants, and the passing percentage has also dropped to 9.97%.

In Chin State, 435 students, including those participating through a special program, took part in the 2024 matriculation exam. Among them, 338 students passed, resulting in a passing percentage of 77.70%.The pass percentage of Chin State’s 2024 matriculation exam under the Military Council has increased by 5% compared to last year’s pass percentage of 72.42%..However, the number of  participants this year is much lower than last year’s total of 22,824, and the number of successful students was2,045.

According to the township list, 27 students passed in Hakha Township, 83 in Falam Township, 111 in Tedim Township, 11 in Tonzang Township, 68 in Cikha Township, 1 in Mindat Township, and 37 in Matupi Township.( Khonumthung news-June,11,2024)

Currently, due to the fighting in Chin State, more than 1,500 basic education schools have been closed, according to the statistics of the State Department of Education under the Military Council.There are 1,551 basic education schools in Chin State, but only 38 schools can be opened by the Military Council for the 2024-2025 academic year.(Zalen- June,11,2024)

What is  surprising is that in Chin State, which had the lowest passing percentage  in the country for more than a decade, always below 20%, the passing percentage has been above 70% for two consecutive years after the Military Council forcibly seized state power

Until 2023, Myanmar used the old basic education system where students took the matriculation exam in grade 10. The above 2024 matriculation results announced by the SAC are the first under the new basic education system, where students take the matriculation exam in grade 12. This new system was initially planned by the previous NLD government led by Aung San Suu Kyi

Caption; Students  checking results of  the matriculation exam  announced by the Military Council. (Photo; Myanmar Education Guide)