July 22, 2024, Comment off

The effects on the Chin people after more than 3 years of the Spring Revolution

Salai Kur Bung Bel

The special advisory Council on Myanmar (SAC-M),which continues to study Myanmar affairs,stated in a new report on May 30 that the revolutionary forces have become stronger in 2024 and the military council is no longer able to control 86 percent of Myanmar’s Townships. The report also states that the military council has lost control of the border towns and 55 townships are controlled by the revolutionary forces.

The control area of the Chin Revolutionary Forces  

Currently, Chin Defense forces occupy the towns of Rihkhawdar, Lailenpi, Rezua, Kyindwe, Cikha, Tonzang and 11 towns, including Webula, where military council troops have left their camp, and Hnaring, M’Kuiin Nu,Surkhua, and Matupi are controlled by the Chin revolution forces. Paletwa town, Chin State, is currently controlled by the Arakan Army(AA). (Khonumthung News,June-1,2024)

In the report of the 3rd anniversary of the Spring Revolution by the Institute of Chin Affairs (ICA) on February 1st, up to 75 percent of Chin State has been controlled by the Chin revolutionary forces, with more areas expected to come under their control.

Chin armed forces in Chin State and outside Chin State fighting against the Military council

Protests against the military council’s illegal coup in 2021 took place nationwide, but the military council did not take any acceptable action. The unarmed people who were protesting peacefully were violently suppressed. The non-violent civil disobedience movement of the people who were subjected to such violence eventually turned into armed resistance.

Here, the Chin Defence Forces (CDF) have sprung up not only in the 9 townships of Chin State where the Chins live, but also in the areas outside of Chin State where the Chin people live. In this way, in addition to CNA/CNF, other Chin armed forces were formed in and outside of Chin State;

  1. CNF/CNA (Chin National Front / Chin National Army)
  2. CNO/CNDF (Chin National Organization /Chin National Defence Force)
  3. CDF-KKG; Kalay-Ka Baw-Gangaw
  4. CDF-Mindat
  5. CDF-Kanpetlet
  6. CDF-Matupi
  7. CDF-Paletwa
  8. CDF-Hakha
  9. CDF-Tonzang
  10. CDF-Thantlang
  11. ZFU /PDF- Zoland (Tedim / Tonzang)
  12. CDF- Daai
  13. CDF- Mara
  14. CDF- Zophei
  15. CDF-Zotung
  16. CDF-Lautu
  17. CDF-Hualngo
  19. ACDF (Asho Chin Defence Force)
  20. CDF-Zanniat
  21. CDF-Senthang
  22. MTC-MDF(Maraland Territorial Council/Mara Defence Force)
  23. PDA (People Defence Army)
  24. TDF (Thado Defence Army)
  25. CDFA (CDF Asho)
Implications of expanding jurisdiction

During this revolution, the Chin Region, which lacked the control and administrative power of the military council, gradually expanded. Various Chin revolutionary groups built control areas and established public administration plans. Here, there is friction among Chin armed forces regarding their dominion control areas.

Impact on religion

In the 3 years since the military council seized power, more than 108 Christian religious buildings in Chin State and areas inhabited by Chin people have been destroyed. At Least 2,154 residential buildings have already been destroyed by fire.(ICA statement of 1 Feb 2024).In Chin State’s Hakha City, New City Wards, the military council has ordered that no more than 5 people gather in Christian churches since April 22, local residents said.

Economic and social impacts

The tax collection system of some revolutionary forces at their checkpoints in their controlled areas has a great impact on the people’s economy and makes the price of goods higher. Regarding the toll collection system, a motorist driving between Kalay region and Rihkhawdar on the Indian border, who did not want to be named for security reasons, told ICA, ”Between Kalay and Rih, I had to pass through at least 10 checkpoints, and I had to pay money at each gate. There were also a lot of groups. Some of them sat in two groups at one gate and asked for 200,000 Kyats per car, so I paid a total of Ks. 400,000 to two groups. It is so convenient since there are too many groups collecting toll fees. The total gate fees I paid for one trip is more than what I paid during the military council.”

The Chin Human Rights Organization(CHRO) reported on June 3 that out of a population of more than 500,000, about 250,000 people (nearly half of the population) in Chin State have fled from their homes to other places in Myanmar or abroad due to ongoing conflicts. Some of the displaced people have been facing various hardships due to insufficient humanitarian aid.

Political implications

After more than three years of the Spring Revolution, two political groups have emerged, both attempting to establish a federal democratic system and lead the Chin politics. One of them is the Interim Chin National Consultative Council (ICNCC), representing Chin State and composed of four groups (Chin parliamentarians, political parties, CDM/CSO groups and Armed group) formed in April 2021. The second one is Chinland Council (CC) formed on December 7, 2023 during a conference led by the Chin National Front (CNF).

It was announced that a total of 135 people attended the Chinland Council Conference, including 13 elected representatives from Chin parliamentary group, representatives from the Chin National Front (CNF), representatives from township and regional groups, and local and foreign guests. (14 elected members of parliament are now in ICNCC).

On the other hand, the Chin Brotherhood Alliance (CB) was formed on December 30, 2023, asserting that the Chinland Council Conference led by CNF and some members of parliament did not conform to democratic standards and could not represent the entire Chin people. The Chin Brotherhoods include the Chin National Council (MIndat), Chin National Organization(CNO), Zomi Federal Union (ZFU), Chinland Defense Force (Kanpetlet), Chinland Defense Force (Matupi) Battalion (1) and Maraland Territorial  Council(MTC).

According to the information and circumstances mentioned above, when the revolution period has been more than 3 years, it is obvious that the areas in Chin State where the military council can control and exercise its administrative powers has gradually narrowed, and the areas controlled by the Chin democratic forces have expanded. On the other hand, the life of the Chin People under the various Chin revolutionary forces will continue to be strained, hoping for unity.

Caption; A view of the city Tedim, which was destroyed by fire by the military council (Photo-Zalen)