November 11, 2024, Comment off
ICA honored with 2024 Chin Humanitarian Award
The Institute of Chin Affairs Inc. (ICA) has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Chin Humanitarian Award by Chin TV International, the first web-based news network dedicated to serving Chin communities worldwide. Established in 2012, Chin TV International is an independent, non-profit organization based in Indiana, USA.
The award was presented on November 8, 2024, in recognition of ICA’s humanitarian efforts in Chin State, Myanmar and Mizoram State, India. The organization has provided critical support to displaced Chin and other Myanmar people affected by ongoing conflicts in Myanmar.

This year, ICA was selected from a distinguished group of four nominees, which included the Institute of Chin Affairs Inc., Chin Community of USA, CZ Ralte, and Chin Health Organization. The award highlights ICA’s enduring commitment to addressing the humanitarian needs of vulnerable communities in Chin State, Myanmar and neighboring areas.